This book belongs to what is known as post-colonization studies. This academic field focuses on undermining colonization and revealing its manifestations and effects in an attempt to get rid of the colonial legacy which burdens the peoples who were previously colonized and resist the manifestations of modern colonization. The resistance here is represented in the field of research. This book defines the research as ” a location of struggle” between the interests and ways of knowledge of the west and the interests and ways of resistance followed by the other party that is represented by the natives. The research is not merely an innocent neutral academic instrument, however, it is an activity practiced within a political and social context. The research affects this context and is affected by it. Research has always been a means used by colonizing societies. The same allegations are presented once again to the natives of colonies in a way that does not only show the perspective and concept of the west concerning the peoples of the colonies and natives، but also reveals the perspective of these peoples and natives of themselves in a way that suits the west’s concept of them. It produces power relationships in which a colonist has the position of dominance. The research was just a means of exploiting the peoples, knowledge and cultures of colonies in a way that benefits colonial interests. So, this book stresses the importance of presenting new research methodologies which respect domestic communities and can help and benefit them. They should spring from society, its queries and conundrums to benefit it.

What is remarkable about the book is that it does not only concentrate on demolishing colonial methodologies as a final objective and a single step towards facing the effects of colonization on local inhabitants, but it also gives a presentation of several alternative methodologies produced by native researchers. Thus, an accumulation of knowledge is brought about. It facilitates the process of constructing methodological alternatives. Without a strong alternative, colonial methodologies will reproduce themselves.

The book consists of twelve chapters, an introduction and a conclusion. The book is divided into two parts. The first part presents the colonial legacy of western knowledge and the incessant influence of that legacy in a way that leads to the continuation of natives’ marginalization. As regards the second part, it focuses on the presentation of various alternative potentials in a way that enables natives to make use of them in researching their societies within educational fields and institutions without reproducing colonial knowledge. In the last two chapters, the book shows the difficulties which a local researcher faces while researching his society.

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